Wednesday, October 2, 2013

DW2DT Day 88... I'm tired

I'm tired... of living in a camper
I'm tired... of not having a real shower
I'm tired... of cooking in the house and living in the yard
I'm tired... of wearing sandals because I can't find my shoes in the basement
I'm tired... of having only a few lights to use
I'm tired... of single parenting and working my tail off to get the house done

But really, all in all, it hasn't been that bad.  Don't get my wrong, once we're outta here and back into the house I have no intention of looking back, though I don't think I've ruined camping for us forever.  There have been days recently when something (Like, oh, say the electrical) in the camper isn't working right that it really got me down. 
Camper Layout, recorded for posterity
It will be interesting to see how the kids adjust when we move back into the house.  Not only have they shared a room their entire life, but they've been literally sleeping on top of each other for the past 3 months. They chat among themselves at bedtime, Norah "reads" to Roddie, and basically we're all together all the time. 

At this point, we're looking at another week or two before we get back into the house, and it almost doesn't seem real - which is funny, because that's how it felt when the whole thing started!  At this point, all the tile is in, minus the grout in the laundry room, the plumbing and electrical inspections are complete and we're sprinting towards the finish line.  Matt has been a painting machine, going in straight after work and into the night a lot.  I've been doing what I can around single parenting the two kids in the meantime.  The list of stuff left to do is getting shorter every day!

Our camper looks like this, but a lot more 'lived in'


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