Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Unintentional Topic

Has it really been a week since I posted anything? My how time flies! Things have been busy here folks, very busy!

We were fortunate to share a wedding celebration this past weekend with some good friends – good friends like most of my good friends lately – ones I don’t see all that often! Regardless the wedding was actually last week, but the party goes on… until next month! These friends had (I think) a great idea, to have all kinds of parties, all over the world… I know this isn’t right for everyone, but it was very “them”. The New England celebration happened to be in a state park in Vermont, where the groom has organized annual trips for about 7 years! Seems fitting, doesn’t it?

The first time I went to one of these weekends, I hadn’t really found my groove yet in Boston – hey, it takes a while, it’s a tough town – and I had just met the groom a month or so before, through a common friend. I’ll never forget arriving to the campsite, after work on a Friday to a field of Subarus, bikes, kayaks, canoes, tents and any manner of outdoor gear you can imagine! And better yet, being 30’ish and single – there were plenty of people like me! I wasn’t necessarily looking for someone to date (though I did find that there, briefly, as well) but I as very simply thrilled to find such a large group of people to hang out with, who were fun, active, and into pubs rather than clubs – just like me!

In the intervening years, I’ve made many friends and shared many beers, blisters, early morning drives to New Hampshire, and cold nights sleeping on mountaintops – and I while outdoor adventure for us these days generally involves a jogging stroller, I’m happy to know these folks, and happier still for K & U!

The funny thing about today’s blog is that I had intended to reflect upon some of my back-to-work posts that I talked with K about this weekend, but I think this is a much better topic!

So, K, thanks for all the memories and all the best to you and U!!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this now and it brought a tear to my eye! Thanks!
