Monday, August 9, 2010

Nothing to Report

Well, with 13 days to go until Brudder's due date, he's not looking like he's going to be arriving really early! Heck, Norah was 8 or 9 days early, and I wasn't even expecting her until well after her due date! I thought 8-9-10 might be a cool birthday, but at this point, I'm having only weak contractions and there are only 10 hours left of today, so I'm not optimistic. Matt's 'daddy radar' is telling him tomorrow and my sister Susan is optimistic that he will arrive on her birthday, coming up soon. The bottom line is, nothing to report at this hour!

Norah gave my "Belly Ball" a big hug and told Brudder she loved him yesterday. I also pushed her to have a few words with him about showing up soon to play with her (I'll have to deal with her disappointment later when she realizes he really can't play yet!) She continues to make great strides with the potty training and I sent her off to daycare this morning with regular underwear on (as well as a dress for ease of potty use, several extra pairs of underwear, a spare dress and a few back up outfits - we'll see how it goes) Anyway, continued progress, but definitely not a fait accompli quite yet.

So, in lieu of news, I snapped a couple of quick pictures of the kids room (getting used to saying that now, instead of Norah's room) and the change we've made. If given the opportunity, Norah would gladly walk you through each new item herself. I think it looks a bit more like a kids room now, and less like an office where we swapped the desk for a crib, like it did when Norah arrived :)

It all started with the was the new dresser/changing table. The one we were using was becoming a bit of a hazard as Norah was getting the hang of opening the big drawers (that were filled with our stuff, and not hers anyway) or trying to get up in cabinet where we had her stuff. This baby has enough room for her stuff, Brudder's stuff, the changing pad/diapers yet the drawers aren't going to squash her.
Then, the oriental-style rug that I inherited from my parents living/dining rooms about 15 years ago looked really dark and un kid-like, so we went in search of a new rug. I thought a round rug would be cool, but didn't imagine we'd find one, but voila! In a slightly jungle theme to match the decorations we do have in the room!
Then, it was on to the clutter. Clutter everywhere! We had really let the toy situation get out of control this spring we we planned the (now deferred) renovation. Many of Norah's things actually have a home (or got one, in the basement) but her books did not. There were little stacks of books all over the house, and since she really loves books (and I love her to have them) they needed a place of their own. We have one of these in the living room, known as the toy box and it seemed to be a good fit. The smaller cubbies limit the chaos one two year old can cause and the bins may or may not end up useful at some point. Norah especially likes having it near her bed and on many mornings leans over and gets a book or two for us to read before we start our day - I love the few minutes of quiet time alone with her, especially since we've been sharing our morning routine with Matt
Well, how's that for a blog entry about nothing? Waiting, waiting and more waiting... stay tuned, I'm still having contractions, though that's hardly news either any more!

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