Thursday, August 11, 2011

In an Instant

That's how quickly life can change. 
This past week there was a story in the local news about a mother, who inadvertently caused the death of her 10 year old daughter earlier this week.  Apparently she did not see the girl, who was playing in the driveway, and ran her over.  It is a tragic story, and some may wonder how it could happen, but as someone who drives a large SUV with many blind spots, I worry about it any time I roll into the driveway when the kids are not in the car with me.

I was shocked and even further saddened last night to realize that we knew the girl and her mother.  In fact, it's cast a cloud over my entire being today.  Bridgette was an alter server at the early mass at our church - one that's attended by a lot of older folks and only a few families with young children.  Over the past 5 years, these folks, including Bridgette and her mom, have become part of our church community.  From what we knew of Bridgette, she was a sweet and kind girl, respectful and pleasant.  She always tended to her duties with a maturity beyond her age, and always had a special smile for Norah.  In fact Norah had even talked about being a server, like Bridgette, when she "got big... like 7 or 8".  We also saw how kind she was to the older folks at mass, while still being at ease, not uncomfortable, like some kids can be.

We've also met her mom, Barbara, on many occasions, and she's no different from me, or any other mother.  She and Bridgette often attended mass together, with her older daughter sometimes joining them.  The seemed to be close and I can only imagine how devastated she must be.  Apparently the accident happened at their summer lake house in a neighbouring town, as she was arriving home from work.  I can only imagine that she was anxious to get home and spend some quality time with the family on a mid-summer evening - again, no different from anyone. 

I cannot imagine losing one of my children, and my heart bleeds for Barbara especially, as she must carry an extra burden due to the circumstances of Bridgette's death - I do not wish that on anyone.  While I am sure that God has a special place for Bridgette, her family, and especially her mother, can use our love and prayers.  I only wish, as many do that any amount of praying could help this family to be whole again.

So hug your kids extra tight tonight, and please, please be careful out there, you never know when life could change.

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