Friday, November 21, 2008

Girls Night!

While it's true that Norah and I had a night to ourselves tonight - just us girls - I also got to see some other gal-pals of mine this week.

I've known this particular bunch of women for about 10 years, originally through work, though I've only ever worked directly with one of them. There was a time, when we were all new to Boston, when we used to meet weekly - on Wednesday - for women who wine (or whine, depends on the week) Back then, none of us had found our personal niche in Boston, and we were happy to have something to do, some cool people to hang out with. Then there were times when we only managed to get together a couple of times a year, and other times when we managed to pull it off every month or so. Sometimes some of us see or talk to each other in between, sometimes not. One thing we can always count on when we do manage to get together, is that the days or weeks or months since we've last talked seem to slip away, and we're soon laughing like we've just seen each other yesterday!

We've been through a lot in 10 years... somewhere between 10 and 20 jobs between us all, in probably a dozen different companies, 4 companies that went under, 3 weddings, 3 graduate degrees, a brush with cancer, a parent's passing, several kids graduating and off to college, and a couple more getting their applications ready, 3 new kids to the mix, leaving work (and not) to care for these kids and parents, first dates too numerous to mention, and twice that many trips around the globe, new friends, old friends, old friends that are new again, and new friends that were someone else's old friends!

Sounds exhausting doesn't it? But really it isn't, really it's energizing and invigorating! This set of ladies are great inspiration, no matter what you aspire to be! I love getting together, and hearing what's new, getting advice and sometimes giving it. Sometimes solving problems, but always putting them in perspective.

So Crystal, Jodee, Gillian, Nancy, Lisa and Jin (who lives in China now, but without whom I would never have been part of this group) it was fantastic to see you all, and as always, I look forward to doing it again soon!

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