Sunday, November 16, 2008

Writers Block

I know, I know... it's been nearly a week since I posted... this stupid virus has literally had my head in a fog for nearly two weeks. This is particularly a problem since I have a large volume of documentation to write at work these past couple of weeks. The good news is that Norah seems to be feeling better, and her appetite has finally returned (with a vengeance!) I still have some of that toxic slime she shared with me lingering in my throat and nasal passages, but as of today I can smell and taste again, so that has to be a good sign!

I've always believed that things happen for a reason, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take a minute to thank your lucky stars! The week before last was truly a demonstration of Murphy's Law for me, in that almost anything that could go wrong - did! I won't go into details because all's well that ends well, but suffice to say one great big thing that went right was that my parents arrived for a visit, just in the knick of time!

Norah's Nanny and Grandpa came down for their pre-Christmas/winter/tax-season visit, and also to help us out on Veteran's Day, since Norah was off, but we were not. Little did we know, we'd all be feeling under the weather, the leaves would literally be a carpet in the back yard, and just how much we appreciated their help!

So Mom and Dad, since I know you're out there - THANKS!

And let's hope this block is over!

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