Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Running Ragged

Contrary to my plan for the week, I haven't got out for a single jaunt around the block. I'm itching to figure out a way to start running again, and figure that lunch times on my work at home days are ideal -- I mean I save 20 min per day commuting on those days, and I won't need to shower in the morning (or heck, even after the run, I'm here by myself, it can wait until later!) Anyway seems we've all been run a little ragged around here lately instead.

Norah is still not feeling well, though I took her back in to the doc this afternoon for a check up. The virus just has to run it's course (5-7 days) and so far she has no signs of any of the scary complications! On top of that, Matt and I both are also sick!

Adding to my own woes are that I have a pretty big deal meeting on Friday, so missing work is hard, but wait - my laptop has decided to be difficult this week, and after spending 2 hours on the phone with some guy in Brazil, I dropped it off to some other guy locally and have yet to see it back! The up side of that is that I was free to go and pick Norah up and take her to the doctor. Funny how things work out isn't it?

I'll presumably be putting some hours in tonight, when I get my laptop back, to catch up from today, and tomorrow is unlikely to be a fun work day either... but we're lucky that Nanny and Grandpa just happen to be on there way here to see Miss N! HOORAY! Back ups! They'll be here until the middle of next week, so here's hoping we're all recovered by then!

So, things around here can best be described as chaos, but we're getting by, and they could be a lot worse!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shauna,
    The book is largely about the mother-runner balance--even the lack thereof, so I'd love to interview you if you have time with all that you do.
    Can you shoot me an email when you get a chance? I couldn't see a way to send you one through the blog.
    Thanks for volunteering!
    marathonmama [at] kristinapinto [dot] net
