Thursday, January 22, 2009

Go Norah!

I’ve been really careful not to get into the competitive mom thing when comparing notes with other parents, especially since Norah really hasn’t given us a thing to worry about developmentally (Halooo… plus she is brilliant, see yesterday’s post!) It’s great to commiserate and share notes, but of course you want to brag about your own kid! The fact of the matter is that at this age, there is a really really wide range of what’s normal, kids have strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes etc., so despite what the parenting mags all lead us to believe, most kids are just fine.

So, this morning I was dropping Norah off and was I chatting with one of the other moms. There are a number of kids in Norah’s class who are pretty much the same age, so when one learns something, the others quickly follow in many cases. Other Mom’s munchkin recently started with what I call the “dive step” where they get brave as they attempt their first steps. She’s understandably proud of her little munchkin, and I must say she was incredibly cute this morning as she showed off her new skill!

The kids were hanging out together near a kid-sized table and we were chatting about how so many of the kids were getting close to walking and how it was going to be a handful for the teachers once one started, because the others would surely not be far behind. Other Mom commented that her munchkin and another in the class were likely to be the first to start, since they had older siblings at home to learn from and mimic. I’m thinking to myself, she’s probably right, but Norah’s been doing that dive thing for a month already!

Just then, Norah, as if she understood what we were saying, let go of the table and took 4 or 5 steps over to grab on to my legs.

Go Norah!

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