Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's that Girl?

My Mom was cleaning out a closet at Nanny Dot's the other day, and came across these. Dad sent them to me this morning, and of course, I had to blog 'em! Do you know who this is?

Let's see, this one might be Norah and I... you often find me with Norah on my lap... but what's with those glasses? Well it's really MY Mom, and ME! This picture is interesting to me for a couple of reasons... I don't think I've ever seen a pic of my Mom where we look so much alike! I also didn't recall pictures of myself where my hair was so light. Most importantly, I could not have really understood what my mom might have been feeling until recently. What I now understand is how amazing it is to sit with first born on your lap! One of my favorite songs from Norah's CD's goes like this:
With my Baby on my knee, tralala-la-la-la
I'm as Happy as can be, tra-la-la-la-la-la

That pretty much sums it up I think :)

Now in this one, you may recognize Norah having one of her tantrums (go figure, I did it too!) Also note the bike in the background... I am guessing it was my Aunt Heather's but seems I was loving bikes at an early age... Maybe I am ticked off because someone won't let me ride it... that sounds like Norah, er, I mean me

And while we don't have this EXACT picture of Norah, we do have plenty that are similar. Much like I hear I was at her age, she has a tendency to get very absorbed into books, or papers or toys, and will spend 20 minutes or more, just looking something over.

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