Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life is a Highway

It occurred to me this morning, as I shuttled between various tasks, that Life with a little one is lot like a commuter train.

My life BM (Before Matt) I like to compare to a sports car, going fast from place to place, but not really getting anywhere important. When you're flying down the highway in a sports car, you're not worried about anything but the ride! For me that meant going to work, gym, out, hiking etc, and only having to focus on that one thing before I races off to the next thing on my very full agenda.

In My Life AM (After Matt) we moved to the burbs to what I'll affectionately call a "project house" ... it's not really a fixer-upper, since it didn't really *need* anything, but suffice to say that projects abound. I compare Life in this phase to an old truck... the truck might not seem as exciting as the sports car, but it's got a lot of life in it, and it will get you where you're going, and you might even notice some meaningful things along the way! We didn't rush around so much from one thing to the other, but spent some quality time with each other, and others, and of course, lots of time building our home, in the literal and figurative sense.

Now that we're in Life AN (this one should be obvious!) I feel that Life is more like a commuter train... for one, I rarely feel like I'm driving any more! Also, it's a lot of stop, go, stop, go, sometimes very fast, sometimes not so much. Today I did some work early this morning so I could quit early to hang with Norah. I was Mommy, Marketing Chick, Mommy and Marketing Chick again, all before 9 am!

Oops! Time for Marketing Chick to get back at it and pull out of Blogger Station so she can get over to Zone Mommy!

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