Friday, September 26, 2008

Norah News: First time for Everything

Yesterday I got the dreaded call from Daycare... "Norah isn't really herself, and she's been running a temp" I'm happy that Digna and Stephanie know her well enough to know when she's not being herself, and also that they called me to let me know, and not waited until the end of the day.

Sometimes I wonder if I am making Rookie mistakes... I knew she wasn't herself, and frankly, kinda needy on and off the past few days. But she has a cold, I suspected she was teething, I took her out until 9:45 on a school night, I've been giving her some milk that had been frozen... there were likely explanations for all of her symptoms, and I don't want to be one of those moms who insist on taking their child to the doctor for every little thing. My gut was telling me nothing major was wrong, but if they're calling, then I better have it checked out.

I called the Pediatrician's office, and was really impressed with the process... long and short of it, they said sounds like she may have an ear infection, bring her in and they'll take a look So, we went in around 6:20 last night. We had her all checked out, and the diagnosis was that yes, she was in fact pushing not one but FOUR new teeth through! Also, she had some fluid in her ears, as is common in little kids with colds, but so far they were not infected.

So, you can expect some changes in Norah's smile soon, with 4 top teeth ready to pop! All things considered, she's doing pretty well!

And I am doing alright, for a Rookie who is learning to trust her instincts

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