Monday, October 6, 2008

The Downside of Progress

Babies are pretty amazing (ours in particular, of course!) Sometimes when I spend the day with Norah, she seems so wise, and knowing. Then other times, I look at her, and she seems so tiny, and vulnerable. When I compare her to Haley, the latest addition to her class, she is most certainly older and wiser, but really, she's still just our little bean.

Yesterday we took her to the local pumpkin patch (pics later - sorry ma!) thinking that in addition the cool pumpkin pictures we'd get, she would probably like all the kids and people. Turns out, poor little Norah didn't really know what to think of a field of pumpkins as big as she was... she cried at first, and then the rest of the half hour or so we spent snapping pictures, I don't think she cracked a smile the whole time. She was very pensive however, and of course very very curious.

As I mentioned yesterday, she is definitely crawling now. Like Crazy. Like her Mom, Norah doesn't seem to be one to go after things half way. She's also pulling herself to standing on pretty much anything she can - her favorite being her leapfrog learning table (something I never would have thought to buy, but the kids seem to love it!)

I am psyched for her that she is crawling, but it has one really big downside... no, not the baby proofing, or the fact that she can (and will!) get into everything...those things I can live with. I can even live with keeping the floors cleaner (In fact, I am thinking of making her a 'Swiffer Suit' so she can dust the floors while she is motoring about, it's about time she starts helping out around the house!)

It was the fact that she tried to follow me out the door at 'school' this morning. Talk about heartbreaking! It took me a while to leave, and even then, it was rough. It's been nearly 2 months, and this was by far the toughest morning to leave her. Not sure if the rough night last night, or the fact that we are about 75% weaned has anything to do with it, but I guess that's progress for ya!

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