Monday, October 27, 2008

Norah News: Splish Splash!

Norah and I had our first swimming lesson on Saturday. The whole experience can best be described as chaos, though I think we all enjoyed ourselves, and I'm looking forward to next week. Thankfully we had Matt with us, who not only captured the event on virtual film, but also managed to get us there on time, despite my best efforts to the contrary. Suffice to say, google maps is a great tool when used correctly.

(ahem) moving on... we arrived at the pool at about 11:10, for what I thought was an 11 am class, only to find to find out (to my great relief) that I also had the time wrong. The class is only 30 minutes long, so I was one disappointed little girl, I mean Mommy, when I thought we were going to miss it. Norah of course, was not only oblivious to our pending adventure, but fast asleep as we looked for the pool!

The pool deck was full of parents and kids from our class and other classes, I couldn't locate a changing room of any sort, nor determine who was in charge. So I stripped down to my bathing suit in a hallway and was in the midst of changing Norah when Matt returned from parking the car. At that moment I was thankful for all the time I've spent in pools over the years, as I was ready to hit the water in about 90 seconds flat!

I had hoped to be able to spend a couple of minutes with her on the pool deck, taking in the huge space before we jumped in, but there wasn't time. The water was pleasant and Norah had no problems at all getting into the spirit of things. She was definitely the youngest in her class, but many of the kids have returned form other sessions and had started when they were her age (the class goes up to age 3) She was her alert and engaging self, and didn't mind being dunked or splashed one bit! Oddly, she wasn't crazy about laying on her back in the water, and I sacrificed both of my earrings (lost), my gold necklace (broken) and a lot of hair (pulled out!) in the process. As usual, lesson learned!

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